How the system works:
1. Educator, register a new account or log in.
2. Once logged in, click the "Create Game" button.
3. Give your game a descriptive and unique name or code (e.g., "MrsLayneClass2025"), select the game you want to create, and configure its settings.
4. Share the game name you created in step 3 with your students. Ask them to click the "Join a Class" link on the Ruler Game website and enter the code.
5. Once students enter the code, the game will start. They will submit their name and play the game. Their scores will be recorded, and you can view them in your account area. Students are not able to change the settings of the game.
Note: Some games are still missing from the account area but will be added in the next few weeks. I'd love to hear your ideas and feedback! Please feel free to contact me at:
Sign Up with Email address